
Teaching appointments

Adjunct Lecturer, University of Waterloo

Basic Research Method (Psych 291), Fall 2018

Course Description (from syllabus)

Welcome to Psych 291! This course will cover the fundamentals of research design. For example, what factors do psychologists consider when designing a study? Learning about the research process will be beneficial for everyone in this class. Many of you will conduct research—perhaps as a research assistant, in a course (e.g., directed studies or a thesis), or in your future career. But even if you never actually conduct research, you will still read/hear about research throughout your life (e.g., through the media). Is it therefore important to learn how to critically examine research. A main objective of this course will be developing that skill.

Teaching evaluations

Students’ ratings of the course (except for “workload demands”) and of the professor were on the following scale: 5 = Excellent; 4 = Good; 3 = Satisfactory; 2 = Fair; 1 = Poor.

Ratings of “workload demands” were on the following scale: 5 = Too high; 4 = High; 3 = About right; 2 = Low; 1 = Too low.


Psych 291 Syllabus - Fall 2018.docx

Lectures (in order of syllabus)

Lecture 1.1 - Sept 6.pptx
Lecture 1.2 - Sept 11.pptx
Lecture 1.3 - Sept 13.pptx
Lecture 1.4 - Sept 18.pptx
Lecture 1.5 - Sept 20.pptx
Lecture 1.6 - Sept 25.pptx
Lecture 1.7 - Sept 27.pptx
Lecture 2.1 - Oct 4.pptx
Lecture 2.2 - Oct 11.pptx
Lecture 2.3 - Oct 16.pptx
Lecture 2.4 - Oct 18.pptx
Lecture 2.5 - Oct 23.pptx
Lecture 2.6 - Oct 25.pptx
Lecture 3.1 - Nov 1.pptx
Lecture 3.2 - Nov 6.pptx
Lecture 3.3 - Nov 8.pptx
Lecture 3.4 - Nov 13.pptx
Lecture 3.5 - Nov 15.pptx
Lecture 3.6 - Nov 20.pptx
Lecture 3.7 - Nov 22.pptx
Lecture 3.8 - Nov 27.pptx
Lecture 3.9 - Nov 29.pptx

Other teaching experience

Teaching Assistant, University of Waterloo

Winter 2016 Organizational Psychology (Psych 338)

Winter, Spring, Fall 2015 Introductory Psychology (Psych 101)

Spring 2014 Organizational Psychology (Psych 338)

Winter 2014 Introductory Psychology (Psych 101)

Fall 2013 Social Cognition (Psych 353)

Fall 2012 Social Psychology (Psych 253 online)